Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 9 out of 365 Our Phyical Bodies

Our physical bodies are fascinating when you get down to the nuts and bolts of it. Remember in science class and they taught you everything starts out as an atom or molecule? Then you get a swarm of them (like bees) and that is what our physical eye sees. If you think about our surroundings nature. We have beautiful music that can move our emotions (so it must resonate with us on some level) we have beautiful landscapes that move us when we are outdoors. Being outdoors helps our moods and gets us healthy with exercise. Art is a way to express yourself and sometimes it can move us emotionally too. Plants live with their own systems using the sun and marine animals live in water.  We are all connected in and through nature because we need each one of these in our body to live. We can learn from our surroundings how to work with the Universe to live better lives.
Let's talk about frequencies that we can all understand. First of all I think we have four vibrating bodies which range from lowest to highest vibrations.  The lowest vibration or octave (if you can relate better to music) would be the physical body because it vibrates at the lowest speed. Then next step or octave up is the emotional body, next is the mental then the spiritual. I will talk about each one in the next couple of days. But let's tune our physical body today.

When we can harmonize all of our vibrational bodies within us then we will increase our positive energy and love that we feel. You can rise over difficulties and see solutions instead of being stuck in a rut and not overcoming obstacles. We do this already or have done this in our lives at some point. We just need to be reminded to keep with it on a daily basis to be happier and live a better life.

If we think of a flock of birds and watch them closely have you ever seen them shift for no reason to our eyes and watch how they are all in harmony with one another? This is what our field around our bodies do. We attract what we are vibrating. Those birds are all connected by the same vibrations, the same energy field around them so it is natural to them to all shift at the same time. The lead bird shifts direction so all the other birds feel that shift and go accordingly. We do this on Sundays in church, whatever the priest, preacher or teacher is we all shift to his/her thinking (lessons) for the day or week. We are gently reminded and taught what to think about.

We first need to start to get rid of the negativity from our bodies. These negative cells are lodged into us and make us slow down and feel depressed or deflated. You are physically blocked up and nothing can radiate out to the world. This starts the domino effect because when your physical body is sludge then your mental body is dragged down by worries and dark thoughts then you get angry or depressed (emotional) and the spiritual body which is your highest vibration doesn't get bogged down unless you lose faith but it doesn't get to vibrate at the highest rate that it can. This is why we can sometimes attract what we want but not all the time.

How do we clear our physical body? Easy exercises like breathing. Taking deeper breaths allows you to center and energize yourself.  When we draw in plenty of oxygen we are clearing out the toxins. When we are stressed or worried our breaths are shallow and we hold in in toxins and we don't have enough oxygen to feed our cells. Eating right, more earth foods instead of processed foods. Each of the foods we eat have their own set of vibrations. Things from the earth have highest vibration and junk, processed or  foods with refined sugar have lowest. Water is the cleansing agent the best and cheapest!! My 10 year old put it into perspective one day when we were talking she said "When you poop mom you are essentially clearing out all the toxins in all 4 of your vibrating bodies" :) I guess we can look at it like that. Exercise helps move all the toxins out of the body. (This is one I personally need to work on) Our goal is to feed our body what it needs, keep it moving and keep it cleansed with water. When you do start to really dump toxins out of your body then you will feel effects immediately! Sometimes right away you feel icky but it will get better! I promise that one! Then the last thing we can do to shift our self into a higher physical vibration is give thanks to our body each and every day. In traffic I have sat there starting with my toes thanking them for what they do for me everyday. I go through my whole body all the way up to my brain. I don't leave a body part of system out. I feel great afterwards. I am in a state of gratitude and it shows! If you are able to taking a bath in Epsom salts helps cleanse the body of toxins too. I do not recommend this for everyone! Pregnant or nursing or with some medical conditions ask your doctor first!!    Epsom salts are simple but can do damage if you are not able to handle all the toxins coming out. :)

Much love to you all!

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