Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 19 out of 365 Days Love

I believe in my heart our greatest miracle on this planet is to LOVE. What a great feeling it is! The love we have for our babies, for our families, for ourselves, for objects, food the list can go on and on. IT is what fuels our passions in this life. When we feed each other or things with love they grow so much better! When we neglect and with hold love things tend to get unhealthy, die or just look dull.

Have you ever fallen out of love with something or someone? You loose the feeling inside of you and you just can't get it back is what I always heard from myself or others. Maybe to much stress, resentment, hard words were spoken? With each negative blow a chip of love comes off. If you think of love being a huge stone and negativity being a hammer. If you hammer it enough then there are only pieces of the stone or just dust blowing in the wind. How do we replace that love once it is gone?

Well, it can be tricky but anything is possible. :) Maybe you need to start basic with the love inside of yourself. Is that strong? Need to do a system check to make sure you really do love yourself and then you can go out into the world and really love others the way you should. A healthy dose of love can fix anything and everything!! When you truly love yourself you can approach all relationships with wholeness and self confidence. This took me a while to get and apply in my life. I would argue with myself stating I love myself! But really I thought I did. I didn't have that wonderful feeling inside of me going towards myself. I would always having it going to others. To truly be present in any and all relationships you need to fill yourself up with love first then go out into the world!

Love you all today!! Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 17 out of 365 Symbols

Wow!! Time is flying by!
I love who I am, and reward myself with thoughts of praise. ~Louise Hay

I was reminded over this holiday weekend of how important Stars are in my life. A symbol of I do not walk alone on this earth. It is always comforting to know someone else is with you in spirit at all times. :) During heartache, troubles, even good times the Star symbol has been presented to me and I had ignored it up until recently. Back when I was 4 a Sunday School teacher told me that God was always with me. I asked how she knew that because I couldn't see him. She told me to pick my most favorite symbol and he would put that symbol in my life to show me He was still there. At this moment in time I was surrounded by Christmas decorations and chose the Star on top of the tree at church. Looking back over the memories in my life I remember seeing that Star being placed in front of me. Whether it was on paper, someone saying you are a superstar or stars in the sky. It's funny how many times I have been shown and didn't take comfort in knowing I am not alone. When so often in the past 6 years I felt so alone and on my own.
Do you have a symbol that is shown to you? Do you take comfort in knowing you are not alone in this world?

I also love snowflakes because they look like beautiful stars. :)

Much love to you all

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 13 and 14 out of 365

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I feel so thankful for so many wonderful things and people in my life! This past year has been unbelievable in growth and I can only go further from this point!

In the last of the four part series we are going to talk about our spiritual body. In many ancient religions, stories and depicted on pictures our spiritual bodies were drawn as colors around us often called auras. When we vibrate at our highest frequency we surround our other 3 bodies and combine to radiate a beautiful aura around us. As many pictures showed Jesus with a golden light around his halo radiating outward.

When our spiritual body is flowing into our other bodies this is when we are most energetic and positive person we are able to be. When we experience any feelings of fear, selfishness, being unkind we automatically disconnect ourselves from this power. These negative emotions cloud our beautiful light around us putting a blanket over us. Then it is unclear on what we can be thankful for and instead of what we don't have. When we are connected to this power we are encased in positive feelings and we are like a beacon shining in the darkness to help others find their way too.

How to connect to our beautiful white light is easy and there are many ways to do this. You can close your eyes while sitting or standing and go inward. Then begin to illuminate yourself from the inside out with a white light. Some imagine they are angels with white wings coming out of them. Taking deep breaths throughout the day to re-connect with our spiritual body. Releasing any darkness in your solar plexus (right above your navel) since this is our power house inside of us.

Being in love with life and being grateful for all that you have helps you be in line witness your spiritual body. When we have our spiritual energy we feel as if nothing is impossible.

Much love to you all today!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 12 out of 365 Days Mental Body

Our Mental Body is were we actually create our electrical energy in our brains. It houses all of our intellect (smarts), our distortions, possibilities we see around us, misconceptions about how we feel about ourselves and the world around us. Our 5 senses are stored here too, along with all of our experiences in life.

The energy from our thoughts shapes our life and how we experience it and what all we believe. We can change our beliefs in life to have a better one when we start to work on this area and make some changes. Once our brain makes or creates an idea or opinion it is imprinted upon our subconscious so this is why things are automatic for some of us, bad habits or unhealthy ways of thinking. Maybe you experienced a spouse or lover cheating so you store a memory or thought about betrayal or never trust again. This is where this would be stored in our bodies, the mental body.

The negative belief system or bad self talk is where our mental toxins start come come about and leak out to the rest of our body to stop us from drawing upon the type of life we want. These thoughts affect us on a molecular level we can only feel but not see. For example Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages in Water, has photographed ice crystals showing water being exposed to certain positive words and certain negative words! The photos are absolutely beautiful! With our bodies being composed of 80 percent of water then our words or thoughts we say to ourselves has a significant impact upon our bodies!
Words do absolutely have power over us and what we say to ourselves or allow others to say to us has an impact on a cellular level!!

Our thoughts direct energy towards manifesting what all we want in life! We can control all positive and negative energy inside us and leaving us. Ask yourself what words have I been describing to myself and what kind of life have I been telling myself I am having right now?

Scientific research has proven we think about one hundred thousand thoughts a minute! WOW!! And 80 percent of those are negative if left unchecked! WE are literally turning our future into a nightmare if we do not get some kind of hold upon our thoughts and re-train our brain into thinking better!

Here is an exercise I have found easy and can do anywhere when I have a negative thought that keeps creeping up or showing up in my life. I visually take these words and put them in a bubble outside of myself and then I take that negative bubble and throw it at our golden sun way up into the sky. Sometimes I have to keep doing this because I feel the thoughts over and over. Maybe its because I have said them so much I have to keep throwing them up to the sun til I no longer believe them.  Then I replace it with the opposite a positive thought and repeat the positive at least 7 times to myself. Like a Power Mantra that changes my attitude right around.

Our mental body needs the support of our physical and emotional body to be strong. All of these bodies work together to become one strong support for us.
Keep working at it each day! DO some research on ways to help you support your different bodies inside yourself!!
Much love

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 10 and 11 of 365 days.

Yesterday I was so busy getting the house clean, decorated, grocery shopping because today is our family and friends Thanksgiving dinner! Yay!

We are going to talk about our Emotional Body part of connecting ourselves back together. Once we have cleared our toxins from our physical body we can go deeper inside our Emotional selves to clear this level. Our emotional body is our guardsman to our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. When our emotions are out of balance it throws off all of our other bodies and keeps us from maintaining the positive perspective we want. We often trap our negative feelings in our emotional body, this is where they are stored and live inside our subconscious mind. These trapped negative feelings lower our vibrations, can manifest the feeling of being tired all the time because you are using so much energy to keep it there. It can give you symptoms of depression, fear and anger. When we hold onto many dark feelings it becomes a poison in our system and new ailments, troubles, fatigue, headaches start to come about on a daily basis. Many symptoms can be contributed to this epidemic in your body. Anger issues, depression, rage, shame, guilt any and all of the lower vibration emotions stem from to many negatives holding on in our body.

When we hold onto any of these feelings of hurt, rejection or anger or even sorrow we close down emotionally. When we shut down we don't allow ourselves to open up and see the different circumstances that could of been around us.  Our points of view are shaded and can no longer be open ti new possibilities that are all around us.  None of us prefer to experience the pain but shutting it down and not dealing with it will only do mare harm. I know this from experience. :) As we release the emotional toxins and heal ourselves we will eventually have a detachment from the memory and not experience any emotion when we do call it up. This does take some practicee and time.

When we do hte work of calling up an old painful memory and working through the emotion of it we will need to reward ourselves with a positive. I prefer taking a nice hot bath. this also serves the purpose of drawing more of hte emotion out of us also. Add a few drops of rose or geranium oil to help release the blocks and heal ourselves. As we get into the water feel  the emotions going into the water, lifting you of us and evaporating in the steam.  Saunas are a great place to do this too. You are free from old wounds and can start to see things clearly.

Much love to everyone

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 9 out of 365 Our Phyical Bodies

Our physical bodies are fascinating when you get down to the nuts and bolts of it. Remember in science class and they taught you everything starts out as an atom or molecule? Then you get a swarm of them (like bees) and that is what our physical eye sees. If you think about our surroundings nature. We have beautiful music that can move our emotions (so it must resonate with us on some level) we have beautiful landscapes that move us when we are outdoors. Being outdoors helps our moods and gets us healthy with exercise. Art is a way to express yourself and sometimes it can move us emotionally too. Plants live with their own systems using the sun and marine animals live in water.  We are all connected in and through nature because we need each one of these in our body to live. We can learn from our surroundings how to work with the Universe to live better lives.
Let's talk about frequencies that we can all understand. First of all I think we have four vibrating bodies which range from lowest to highest vibrations.  The lowest vibration or octave (if you can relate better to music) would be the physical body because it vibrates at the lowest speed. Then next step or octave up is the emotional body, next is the mental then the spiritual. I will talk about each one in the next couple of days. But let's tune our physical body today.

When we can harmonize all of our vibrational bodies within us then we will increase our positive energy and love that we feel. You can rise over difficulties and see solutions instead of being stuck in a rut and not overcoming obstacles. We do this already or have done this in our lives at some point. We just need to be reminded to keep with it on a daily basis to be happier and live a better life.

If we think of a flock of birds and watch them closely have you ever seen them shift for no reason to our eyes and watch how they are all in harmony with one another? This is what our field around our bodies do. We attract what we are vibrating. Those birds are all connected by the same vibrations, the same energy field around them so it is natural to them to all shift at the same time. The lead bird shifts direction so all the other birds feel that shift and go accordingly. We do this on Sundays in church, whatever the priest, preacher or teacher is we all shift to his/her thinking (lessons) for the day or week. We are gently reminded and taught what to think about.

We first need to start to get rid of the negativity from our bodies. These negative cells are lodged into us and make us slow down and feel depressed or deflated. You are physically blocked up and nothing can radiate out to the world. This starts the domino effect because when your physical body is sludge then your mental body is dragged down by worries and dark thoughts then you get angry or depressed (emotional) and the spiritual body which is your highest vibration doesn't get bogged down unless you lose faith but it doesn't get to vibrate at the highest rate that it can. This is why we can sometimes attract what we want but not all the time.

How do we clear our physical body? Easy exercises like breathing. Taking deeper breaths allows you to center and energize yourself.  When we draw in plenty of oxygen we are clearing out the toxins. When we are stressed or worried our breaths are shallow and we hold in in toxins and we don't have enough oxygen to feed our cells. Eating right, more earth foods instead of processed foods. Each of the foods we eat have their own set of vibrations. Things from the earth have highest vibration and junk, processed or  foods with refined sugar have lowest. Water is the cleansing agent the best and cheapest!! My 10 year old put it into perspective one day when we were talking she said "When you poop mom you are essentially clearing out all the toxins in all 4 of your vibrating bodies" :) I guess we can look at it like that. Exercise helps move all the toxins out of the body. (This is one I personally need to work on) Our goal is to feed our body what it needs, keep it moving and keep it cleansed with water. When you do start to really dump toxins out of your body then you will feel effects immediately! Sometimes right away you feel icky but it will get better! I promise that one! Then the last thing we can do to shift our self into a higher physical vibration is give thanks to our body each and every day. In traffic I have sat there starting with my toes thanking them for what they do for me everyday. I go through my whole body all the way up to my brain. I don't leave a body part of system out. I feel great afterwards. I am in a state of gratitude and it shows! If you are able to taking a bath in Epsom salts helps cleanse the body of toxins too. I do not recommend this for everyone! Pregnant or nursing or with some medical conditions ask your doctor first!!    Epsom salts are simple but can do damage if you are not able to handle all the toxins coming out. :)

Much love to you all!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 8 out of 365 changing a bit

I open my consciousness to all the wonderful possibilities of life. ~Louise Hay

Yes I am a huge fan of Louise Hay. Her books I often give away as presents to my friends to help them hopefully through rough spots in life. The mirror work of saying to yourself I love you while looking into your own eyes is powerful!
On this site of Changing Our Minds it made me realize last night that am I all over the board and I think when you start a new project that deals with your mind you can feel lost or misguided and left with a feeling of Ugh, this doesn't make sense.. Am I doing it right? I felt that way about this blog last night. I know my vision will pan out and become clear as more days pass. I know living each day in love will bring even more miracles to life and spread the feeling to others. I am working on a mission statement today so each day I sit to type I can look at the statement and stay on course.  Thank you for bearing with me on this journey and knowing that I am working on a grand vision to inspire people to see that they can create so many miracles with their own brains! It is amazing what all we can do with our thoughts and focus! Maybe that is it! Using the power of our minds with our thought and focus and creating miracles! :) I will work on it today to be uplifting each morning. My mind is changing too! :)

much love to you today

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 7 out of 365 Ideas

I love life! I look forward to every moment of it. ~Louise Hay

I am going to change gears a little bit and talk about how to see the miracle of success in your business. Now I will be the first to admit I am not some big time huge success in my attempts at running business but I can motivate you to become one! :) I have noticed that some of the most popular motivating people out there hadn't climbed the ladder of success until recently too. :)

During my learning curve with Arbonne (I will pick this company because it where I had the most growth) I learned quickly I hated the saying "IF they don't like you, then they won't buy the product" UGH! that saying use to drive me crazy because I already had the lack of belief in myself to get this done! If there is a saying that you don't like clue into it because if you fix your belief about yourself then this is one less thing that will hold you back. Having motivation in your team is huge! But at the same time you need to learn to motivate yourself into doing the actions too.

With the Holidays here and I know most companies are pushing you to come buy from them gifts let's brainstorm right now how you can increase your sales. First that little miracle of belief is going to have to be there. Belief in yourself that you can achieve the goal you want to this month and next. If it hasn't worked for you in the past 2 months whatever idea or action plan you are doing then drop it like a cold and move onto something you have been putting off. Maybe you like the idea of walking into businesses and dropping off a card, catalog, or brochure. You keep putting off this idea because _____ you fill in the blank. But instead you are just leaving your stuff at random places but not getting any bites or leads. As my mom use to always tell me "just get the things off your list first thing in the morning you don't like to do." Go buy a bag of holiday candy and tape a piece on top of whatever it is you are handing out. People love little bite size candies and you can find the nerve to go into places with something other than your business card and catalog. Smile!! Smile people! It breaks the ice every time! I know there are a lot of new people in the multi-level marketing business all trying to overcome their selling fears and some will do this. These are easy ways to get into selling or sharing your product and hopefully your ball of momentum will start rolling.

I would bake cookies and take small wrapped cookies into my kids doctors offices, local real estate offices, fire houses because they do buy for their families! :) Offer extras like gift wrapping, delivery, something that would cater to them and go over the top. I love that the place I get my oil and filter changed vacuums my car floor every time! One less thing I have to do! Be creative and figure out how to save people money! People always love how you can help them save during this time of year. Ask them what big items they have on their list this year other than what you are selling! and end the conversation with I can save you this much to go towards that big purchase you want so you could have all these people done on your list and still have some for yourself. :)
Google creative selling tips, if you need a confidence boost for any area of your life google it and start to listen. There are some great videos on You Tube that are inspirational and uplifting to help you too!

Then when you get enough small victories then you will start to feel more confident and then when a big sale comes through at just the right time you might say "It's a miracle!" :) That's the fun part because in a sense it was you all along. All your little things you did everyday to build up to the big one!

Much love everyone

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 6 of 365

With every new challenge in our lives comes a test to maybe see if you are serious about your new choice. Personally I think it would be a lot easier if these little tests didn't come at all :) Yesterday I was being tested by my own kids. Started first thing in the car when we were on our way to school. Ash decided nothing was going to be right with the ride :)I made the mistake of stating Hunters face changed again in the night. She then promptly asked if she had grown any? Then I replied with yes your attitude :)

My oldest decided to hit me after school with forgetting to give me his progress report last Friday because he knew he would be grounded over the weekend. So now he is grounded all week :)

There was little miracles all day besides my kids acting up. BUT I had to look for them and get myself out of letting the kids get me upset. My computer came back fixed last night and better than ever! Yay!! Hunter did so good in his speech class AND I got to spread some hope this holiday season to another mom at school. I learned another lesson yesterday that in the past I would let little things build all day then I would finally be so upset by the end of the night I wouldn't let myself enjoy the evening with my family. Usually the very people that would get on my nerves! Now I am enjoying learning new skills for these tests that keep me on my course of changing my life for the better! It is so easy to get upset and stay that way all day!!

Much love you guys

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 5 of 365 feeling more gratitude with each day

I am gaining momentum each day that I consciously practice this exercise. It is fun and the benefits are already taking shape! New habits in the way I think, feel and interpret my surroundings have been noticed by my kids. It is fun and exciting!!

Yesterday it was just me taking the kids to Target to do a Christmas list and then to the mall to see Santa. Yes it is still November but having 2 out of 3 kids part time sometimes you just have to do things early :) I thought it was going to be tough since Hunter doesn't like to go shopping or should I say the way I want him to shop. Which usually consists of him sitting in the cart so I can get done fast. He likes to touch, explore and pick his own things out so usually half my time I shop the other half you hear me calling his name and chasing after him. He is a great way to get card in during the day! :)
But, remembering the day before lesson I decided nope it is going to be fun. We got out of Target with our Christmas wish lists in hand! Went to the mall where Hunter played in the fake snow before seeing Santa. He was such a joy to watch! The mall had this huge dome and inside you walked in and it was the witches ice castle from the movie Narnia. Fake snow fell from the ceiling and Hunter played with the snow on the floor. Then he would look up with wonder as it fell. What I noticed was an employee that just stood there started to change in her body language. She was bored when we got there or something was wrong, but as I laughed and smiled watching Hunter she too did the same! It was great to notice the effects Hunter, Ash, Leigh and I had on her! Hunter was very interested in how it was coming from the ceiling but none the less was blowing the snow to make it float. Running through it to scatter it and throwing it up in the air to watch it float back down. I told him it was like watching bubbles float. :)

The rest of the day was amazing, kids got along and were helpful. We invited a neighborhood kid over for dinner and made spaghetti tacos! So yummy and we laughed all through dinner at the table. The little girl said at their house they sit in front of the TV and eat. She loved sitting at our table with us and laughing. What a great feeling!!

I can not express how much inside of me has changed just in 5 days!! It feels great and I have 360 more to go!! I realize now more than ever whatever story you tell, whether it is good or bad, will be the story you live in your life! So start looking at life differently if you want some parts to change! You do have the power in your mind to change it all! Discipline of your thoughts is the first step! There is no wrong way to start just starting is an accomplishment! You will start and stop and start again and that's the process. Just make the time between the stop and start shorter each time :)

Sending you love and happiness! Remember to look for your miracles today to get more of them! Peace between my kids was a huge blessing and miracle and one that I expressed a lot of thanks for!! Why? To bring more of that into our lives!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 4 of 365 Miracle of Health

Yesterday I was reminded how much our health means to us and how often we don't even think about it! Family friends, Ash and I went to enjoy a Childs birthday yesterday morning. I hadn't seen the little girls mom in a long time but she had been through some pretty major stuff with her body. She suffers from diabetes and truly ignored whatever the doctors told her to do. She drank and ate whatever she wanted! After years of not taking care of herself she is in a wheelchair with only 1 foot, blind in one eye and in the other eye can only see half of her visual field. Her feistiness that she is known for wasn't there. I saw a glimpse every now and then but she truly wasn't herself anymore. What really hit home was her medicine she HAD to take like every 4 hours! She took 18 pills! I sat in the backseat and thought my goodness all of those pills she takes is keeping her body going. She no longer has the luxury of doing this for herself! Opened my eyes to not judge her but remind me what a miracle our bodies truly are!!

I, myself don't really exercise or eat many fruits or vegetables. I see now the effects I have put upon my children unintentionally because as parents we always want what's best for our kids. I knew this mom didn't want pity or to be treated differently so just helped when I could and kept sending her healing energy. Energy for the whole family because they are all needing that. :) I reflected how and what can I do to lead by example for my family to realize how precious our bodies are. Last night I had the kids drink a lot more water and eat more vegetables than cheesy bread at our friends house. They ran and jumped in the bouncy house so exercise wasn't an issue. But for myself since I have been blessed with a tiny body and can eat whatever I want I have to dig deep. Learn more about my body and what it needs to feel great. Our bodies if fueled with what we need will give us incredible energy and incredible airs to attract what we want in life. If your energy fields that surround us are low then our abilities to attract can be slow. I don't know about you but after figuring this little piece of knowledge out I want to feel great!!

Another incredible woman I re-connected with last night lost 80 pounds in just under 5 months! We laughed when she shared she had gotten a gym membership with good intentions of going to workout but she really uses it as a break from her two young kids. She will walk her mile and then go take a really long shower while the kids are playing in childcare. I know a thing or two about wanting peace :) even if it is to take a shower! She looks great, detoxed her system naturally and is eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. She said at 325 pounds she didn't have a lot of energy but now she does! I was so happy for her!

The miracle of our body is amazing! It can heal itself, be it's own energy source, it defiantly has a mind of it's own because we don't sit and instruct it to process what we eat, keep our body systems in check and running. So why can't the possibility of fueling it with the foods we need for each of bodies, our mind do some much more than what we think it can do? I know some doctors that have instructed their patients to visualize the illness gone, visualize all your cells as having happy faces on them, or telling your body "I release this illness with love and light" over and over while you see yourself healthier. Maybe those that first get diagnosed with an illness it is easier for them to believe in a cure. I have seen others that have a life long illness it just becomes part of who they are. I am not offering any medical treatment, you always consult a doctor before stopping medication I am just trying to give alternative ways of viewing things. Hopefully inspire those that need it to start increasing their knowledge about the body and look further than pills.

Our bodies have everything they need to cure themselves! It is all inside of us and that is truly a miracle we live with everyday!
Much love to you all!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 3 of 365

Miracles are events that make us feel there is more to life than what we see!

Gosh I have been there asking myself "what the heck? There has to be more to my life than this. Where do I go? What am I suppose to do?" sometimes my answer my come in a new friendship and over the years something materializes for me. Maybe an event or new place to visit inspires me go change directions in my life. Friendships usually bring me the best experiences, laughs and overall joy to me.

My high school reunion is coming up and I smile because my old best friends never lost their place in my heart. I still talk to them every now and then. My friends that I have made over the years here where I live have come and go. But they too have never really lost their place in my heart also. My really, really close friends the ones I can be my crazy, fun, laughing self with truly do stay with me even if they chose to spread their wings and venture out. I have a few that even though we don't talk much or just say hi through Facebook I would drop everything and be there for them if they needed someone. To me that is what the miracle of friendship is all about. You don't have to be in their lives every single day, sure it's nice to be in touch with them everyday. You can share and hopefully laugh more than cry when you talk.

Friendships are fun and those that click with you for right now cherish them. Those that need to explore more avenues with other people just release them with love. We have all done this, releasing people from our lives. It's not the easiest thing in the world to do because we have memories and emotions tied to them but sometimes we need to. This is the miracle of life going on around us. Releasing is natures way of making more room for new people to come into your world that align better with you!! Just the part of a miracle is what we don't see but what we want to happen right? If you go back out there and reach out to people you will have a life filled with beautiful people in your world! It took me years to figure this out due to my own insecurities inside of myself. Be the type of friend you want in your life.

Maybe this affirmation will help bring you joy and new types of miracles into your life. It did a lot for me when I said it many times a day. From now on, I shall grow more good humored. Joy, happiness and cheerfulness are now becoming my normal states of mind. Everyday I am becoming more and more lovable and understanding.I will be a center of cheer and goodwill to all those around me, infecting them with my good spirits. This happy, joyous and cheerful mood is now my normal, natural state of mind. I am grateful.

Enjoy your day everyone!!
Much love

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 2 of 365 :)

I got to thinking yesterday what are some of the miracles I see around me right now? It put things into perspective for me. Went from small things to big things such as: the miracle of Hunter (whose 2 now) walking up to me and giving me a hug and kiss. Or the love I feel from my family and the love I have for them. The miracle of my husband working steadily and with overtime too! The miracle of friendships even if they come and go. New friends turn into great friends with great times following. How about the miracle of our dreams? Hunter was taking a nap and he was laughing and smiling! The miracle of love, the miracle of courage and how about how different foods affect our body and mood!

Beginning to look at life through these miracle colored glasses got me thinking how programmer I was at believing miracles were once in awhile. This is not so and I was in the best mood yesterday! Full of energy and just happy.

Yes my toddler did manage to delete a bunch of apps off my iPad yesterday and I'm not to excited to take a trip to the Apple store to have then help me get my Dashboard back up but hey I get to go to the mall now! I hear they have a beautiful ice palace where Santa sits. Now I have another reason to go and visit! Just gets me there sooner! I understand he is 2, he didn't mean to do it. Plus I gave him my iPad unsupervised so I really was angry at myself. Learning to look at the challenge in many different ways helps release the anger from yourself. Which is always a good thing!!

What we think about we bring about so make that conscious decision to look for the miracles around you too today!
Much love to you all

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 1 of 365 what's this all about?


I was inspired to start a blog about the miracles that surround us everyday and write about them. If you believe as within so without, or what you think about you bring about, then this blog is for you. Join me on my own journey to see what miracles we can bring about for ourselves and others!

I am truly excited to be kicking this off on 11-11! I am told in the next year starting today we are all shifting to a higher understanding! What a great way to start my next year! To live each day in joy, happiness, love and intent on miracles!

What is a miracle? According to the dictionary it is an unexpected event attributed to divine intervention. When we see something that we can not explain we say it's a miracle. If we look hard enough they happen everyday for us and around us :) we may even make a miracle or two happen for other people! That's when the real fun begins :)

On my next 365 days I am sure I will be amazed and delighted. Have questions and ponder meanings but I am committed to blogging everyday and see where this takes me.
Please sign up to follow me. If you would like to blog about your own miracles please feel free to share. I am always welcoming more and more onto this page!

I have my own sources of inspiration to keep me in alignment with what I want. Such as The Power by Rhonda Byrne, I am by Linda Wright, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and many friends that are in the same state of being as I am.

We are never truly more alive within ourselves when we live in a wonderful state of constant awe. Like a child learning things or seeing objects for the first time. Life is a gift and we should start looking at our surroundings as such. When we really begin to live our life with the consciousness of everything is a miracle we begin to shift and feel in a constant state of gratitude, joy and wonder. Our outside world begins to shift to be amazing, brighter and more colorful. To match our beautiful shining light inside of us. We begin to see every moment as a blessing and love more in our lives. This in turn brings more of what we see and feel. It's a win-win situation! We begin to really see anything is possible in this beautiful world!! If we begin to see that miracles are all around us and share them we begin the Ripple Effect. We begin to touch other peoples lives and sharing these experiences with them. Yes it will take the limiting belief that miracles are rare occurrences. But why do we want them to be rare in our lives? They are wonderful, make us hope and have faith. Which I think we need a lot more of in this world!! We can redefine them in our existence and therefore make that world open up to us all.

Maybe by labeling miracles as rare occurrences or happen only once in awhile this is exactly what we get! If we begin to expect miracles or a better outcome than what we think could happen then that's what we will receive. A miracle is created and set in motion the moment we think and believe in it!! Exciting!!

Thank you all for stopping by!
Much love to you all