Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 1 of 365 what's this all about?


I was inspired to start a blog about the miracles that surround us everyday and write about them. If you believe as within so without, or what you think about you bring about, then this blog is for you. Join me on my own journey to see what miracles we can bring about for ourselves and others!

I am truly excited to be kicking this off on 11-11! I am told in the next year starting today we are all shifting to a higher understanding! What a great way to start my next year! To live each day in joy, happiness, love and intent on miracles!

What is a miracle? According to the dictionary it is an unexpected event attributed to divine intervention. When we see something that we can not explain we say it's a miracle. If we look hard enough they happen everyday for us and around us :) we may even make a miracle or two happen for other people! That's when the real fun begins :)

On my next 365 days I am sure I will be amazed and delighted. Have questions and ponder meanings but I am committed to blogging everyday and see where this takes me.
Please sign up to follow me. If you would like to blog about your own miracles please feel free to share. I am always welcoming more and more onto this page!

I have my own sources of inspiration to keep me in alignment with what I want. Such as The Power by Rhonda Byrne, I am by Linda Wright, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and many friends that are in the same state of being as I am.

We are never truly more alive within ourselves when we live in a wonderful state of constant awe. Like a child learning things or seeing objects for the first time. Life is a gift and we should start looking at our surroundings as such. When we really begin to live our life with the consciousness of everything is a miracle we begin to shift and feel in a constant state of gratitude, joy and wonder. Our outside world begins to shift to be amazing, brighter and more colorful. To match our beautiful shining light inside of us. We begin to see every moment as a blessing and love more in our lives. This in turn brings more of what we see and feel. It's a win-win situation! We begin to really see anything is possible in this beautiful world!! If we begin to see that miracles are all around us and share them we begin the Ripple Effect. We begin to touch other peoples lives and sharing these experiences with them. Yes it will take the limiting belief that miracles are rare occurrences. But why do we want them to be rare in our lives? They are wonderful, make us hope and have faith. Which I think we need a lot more of in this world!! We can redefine them in our existence and therefore make that world open up to us all.

Maybe by labeling miracles as rare occurrences or happen only once in awhile this is exactly what we get! If we begin to expect miracles or a better outcome than what we think could happen then that's what we will receive. A miracle is created and set in motion the moment we think and believe in it!! Exciting!!

Thank you all for stopping by!
Much love to you all

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