Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 12 out of 365 Days Mental Body

Our Mental Body is were we actually create our electrical energy in our brains. It houses all of our intellect (smarts), our distortions, possibilities we see around us, misconceptions about how we feel about ourselves and the world around us. Our 5 senses are stored here too, along with all of our experiences in life.

The energy from our thoughts shapes our life and how we experience it and what all we believe. We can change our beliefs in life to have a better one when we start to work on this area and make some changes. Once our brain makes or creates an idea or opinion it is imprinted upon our subconscious so this is why things are automatic for some of us, bad habits or unhealthy ways of thinking. Maybe you experienced a spouse or lover cheating so you store a memory or thought about betrayal or never trust again. This is where this would be stored in our bodies, the mental body.

The negative belief system or bad self talk is where our mental toxins start come come about and leak out to the rest of our body to stop us from drawing upon the type of life we want. These thoughts affect us on a molecular level we can only feel but not see. For example Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages in Water, has photographed ice crystals showing water being exposed to certain positive words and certain negative words! The photos are absolutely beautiful! With our bodies being composed of 80 percent of water then our words or thoughts we say to ourselves has a significant impact upon our bodies!
Words do absolutely have power over us and what we say to ourselves or allow others to say to us has an impact on a cellular level!!

Our thoughts direct energy towards manifesting what all we want in life! We can control all positive and negative energy inside us and leaving us. Ask yourself what words have I been describing to myself and what kind of life have I been telling myself I am having right now?

Scientific research has proven we think about one hundred thousand thoughts a minute! WOW!! And 80 percent of those are negative if left unchecked! WE are literally turning our future into a nightmare if we do not get some kind of hold upon our thoughts and re-train our brain into thinking better!

Here is an exercise I have found easy and can do anywhere when I have a negative thought that keeps creeping up or showing up in my life. I visually take these words and put them in a bubble outside of myself and then I take that negative bubble and throw it at our golden sun way up into the sky. Sometimes I have to keep doing this because I feel the thoughts over and over. Maybe its because I have said them so much I have to keep throwing them up to the sun til I no longer believe them.  Then I replace it with the opposite a positive thought and repeat the positive at least 7 times to myself. Like a Power Mantra that changes my attitude right around.

Our mental body needs the support of our physical and emotional body to be strong. All of these bodies work together to become one strong support for us.
Keep working at it each day! DO some research on ways to help you support your different bodies inside yourself!!
Much love

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