Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 7 out of 365 Ideas

I love life! I look forward to every moment of it. ~Louise Hay

I am going to change gears a little bit and talk about how to see the miracle of success in your business. Now I will be the first to admit I am not some big time huge success in my attempts at running business but I can motivate you to become one! :) I have noticed that some of the most popular motivating people out there hadn't climbed the ladder of success until recently too. :)

During my learning curve with Arbonne (I will pick this company because it where I had the most growth) I learned quickly I hated the saying "IF they don't like you, then they won't buy the product" UGH! that saying use to drive me crazy because I already had the lack of belief in myself to get this done! If there is a saying that you don't like clue into it because if you fix your belief about yourself then this is one less thing that will hold you back. Having motivation in your team is huge! But at the same time you need to learn to motivate yourself into doing the actions too.

With the Holidays here and I know most companies are pushing you to come buy from them gifts let's brainstorm right now how you can increase your sales. First that little miracle of belief is going to have to be there. Belief in yourself that you can achieve the goal you want to this month and next. If it hasn't worked for you in the past 2 months whatever idea or action plan you are doing then drop it like a cold and move onto something you have been putting off. Maybe you like the idea of walking into businesses and dropping off a card, catalog, or brochure. You keep putting off this idea because _____ you fill in the blank. But instead you are just leaving your stuff at random places but not getting any bites or leads. As my mom use to always tell me "just get the things off your list first thing in the morning you don't like to do." Go buy a bag of holiday candy and tape a piece on top of whatever it is you are handing out. People love little bite size candies and you can find the nerve to go into places with something other than your business card and catalog. Smile!! Smile people! It breaks the ice every time! I know there are a lot of new people in the multi-level marketing business all trying to overcome their selling fears and some will do this. These are easy ways to get into selling or sharing your product and hopefully your ball of momentum will start rolling.

I would bake cookies and take small wrapped cookies into my kids doctors offices, local real estate offices, fire houses because they do buy for their families! :) Offer extras like gift wrapping, delivery, something that would cater to them and go over the top. I love that the place I get my oil and filter changed vacuums my car floor every time! One less thing I have to do! Be creative and figure out how to save people money! People always love how you can help them save during this time of year. Ask them what big items they have on their list this year other than what you are selling! and end the conversation with I can save you this much to go towards that big purchase you want so you could have all these people done on your list and still have some for yourself. :)
Google creative selling tips, if you need a confidence boost for any area of your life google it and start to listen. There are some great videos on You Tube that are inspirational and uplifting to help you too!

Then when you get enough small victories then you will start to feel more confident and then when a big sale comes through at just the right time you might say "It's a miracle!" :) That's the fun part because in a sense it was you all along. All your little things you did everyday to build up to the big one!

Much love everyone

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