Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 39 needing a miracle?

What happens when you really need a miracle and it is just not showing up? It could be related to health, money that you need for a bill, an item that is needed or a maybe for another person you see that needs it. I have needed a miracle a time or two in my life. I can remember one time clearly, we needed money for our rent. It was winter time and my husband had been out of work for 3 months, we needed the money to pay our landlord and we needed it fast. It wasn't a huge sum of money I think we were short $500.00 on that months rent and we had never been behind before so it was nerve racking for me to say the least.

I did a garage sale that morning and we were $200.00 short, I was stressed out completely, I needed that money so badly I could taste it. I needed a miracle to say the least. Worrying up until this point had not helped me, it just cluttered my mind with bad scenarios, negative words such as how am I going to get this? I began to feel sad, and a lack mentality. So I changed it up a bit, I decided I needed to pray the right way and give confidence in knowing my need was takin care of. That I no longer needed to hold onto this thought, I needed to let go and let God/Universe take action. I couldn't predict what would go on in the next 2 hours but I felt a lot better knowing a power higher than myself would take care of it for me. Our basic need of somewhere to live would be taken care of. We had a very strict landlord at that house and being late was not an option. So within 24 hours we managed to sell our patio furniture (2 sets) for $200.00 in the dead of winter with it raining outside. :)

The moral of the story that I took away from it is when we stress we inhibit God/Universe to give us what we are asking for. The easiest thing we can do as beings is to worry and be negative. The hardest is to let go of the control (which we don't have in the first place) and find a way to be happy or relieved and find our belief it will be handled and all will end better than what we expected. :)

Much love to you all

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