Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 23 out of 365

Goodness how time flies! I have been working so hard to meet my deadline for this book that I am on overdrive. By the time Christmas does come I will be ready to relax. :)

It is such a great feeling to wake up in the morning, renewed and charged full of a positive energy. To know that even though you are nervous and somewhat fearful it is all going to turn out way better than you could even imagine! I was given so many little gifts yesterday to fill my heart and soul up it was a beautiful! My batteries got re-charged and I am ready to stretch myself out of my comfort zone just a little bit more today. If we stay exactly where we are then things will never change. It is when you begin to feel nervous, begin to have those butterflies in your stomach because you don't know how it all will end. This is exactly where you need to be! I say this because it is exhilarating but scary to step out of my comfort zone. I have been so happy for so long sitting still, tucked deep inside of my turtle shell and now off with the shell! :) I have been thinking for about 2 months now that I have been out of my comfort zone but I fooled myself! I haven't because I don't have that tingly feeling deep down in my stomach! It's not an uncomfortable I'm gonna be sick feeling but more of an excited I can't wait feeling! So now I know without a shadow of a doubt I am there! I am finally growing and reaching up and stretching!
You have to get off your horse and start stepping in a new direction with me! Come on! It is a fun feeling and you will change your current state you are in!
Say: I experience love wherever I go.  Loving people fill my life, and I find myself easily expressing love to others.

This new feeling of it will all turn out better than expected must be my new dose of faith and belief. I have finally turned the corner to expect better than lack. It took awhile but it has finally happened and it is wonderful. Miracles really are in the shape of emotions, and what you feel. I am in the process of creating my own miracle with my voice, boldness and new faith! Can't wait to see what happens!

As with all new growth in ourselves we have this new feeling we love and then we get comfortable in it. We make huge strides in progress. We move forward many steps and then somehow we stop. Maybe we are busy for a couple of days, maybe something happens and we go back towards the direction we were once in. That is OK. What matters is that you stop yourself when you are taking those steps backwards and begin to move forward in the new direction again. We all have our old habits we would like to change. It is a conscious effort to keep track of what we are doing to so we can make the changes we want. :)

Much love

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