Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year = New Hope

Why do we always wait until the New Year to start our resolutions?? Why don't we recognize when we fall off the wagon (so to speak) we can get right back up and dust ourselves off to start over again? It's like we stop doing what we intend about a month after we start. For some of us a little sooner and we just forget what we wanted to do this year with our lives. I got a little bit of a different action plan this year! I got one of those calendars for my desk and my purse. Yes, I don't know how to do this on my phone yet but I will figure it out!! :) I put down for each month at the top of the page what I wanted to accomplish this year. I put all my resolutions on each page and highlighted them to stay on course!! I had to keep in front of my face daily somehow. So I choose this action plan, that way I could see it and act on it daily. To keep myself motivated and keep going. In years past I have made the same resolutions only to see them fade before the months even over. I had them out of sight, out of mind.
I have huge plans this year! I am busting out and not looking back!! I am full of the knowledge and know how that I need and I decided no more of this the way I have been living. I want all new experiences with my family and myself. I want to achieve better than expected results and I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us all!
Much love to you all!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 49 New Years Resolutions

Holy Moly, with the holidays and family coming in and out and parties I lost track of time. :) NO more of that now. :)
How many of you guys have written or even thought about the year 2011? Do you have your normal resolutions to make on New Years Day? Do you intend to keep them? Work on them consistently? I am going to post mine here, today and work on them throughout the year.

1. Get my Life Coaching Certificate
2. Get a certificate in learning the art of Feng Shui
3. Get my book published in the year 2011.
4. Take better care of myself (this includes my mind, body and spirit)
5. Live in gratitude each day and pull out joy and happiness out of every situation.
6. Take more time for me, to really love me and find out what I am meanto do with my life.
These are my intentions for the year 2011. I am sure I will come up with more but for right now I have put them on my calender each month to remind me what it is I want to accomplish. :)

My new mantra for myself is I am moving towards all my goals with ease and success. :) Along with I love and accept myself for who I am.

Much love to you all

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 41 finding my voice inside...

The holidays are fast approaching with it almost being over. Another year that has flown by! I swear it seems like they are getting shorter!! :) With 2011 fast approaching and my annual house cleaning week starting on Sunday I am going to have to learn to balance between cleaning and family life. :)

I have been asking myself a lot lately why is getting into a healthy thinking routine seem so difficult for me lately? Not just with my weight because I have baked way to many yummy, delicious treats lately and beginning to get a pouch on my tummy. But the self talk and the anger and no patience that has come with it. I know better but why do I default to this type of behavior? When I am good with my thoughts and mind my feelings then great things appear out of thin air and all is great! When I am bad with minding my mind and let it wander then darkness falls upon our home and all heck breaks loose. :) I am thinking I love the good thoughts and behaviors! But I am not the only one that struggles with this, I have met so many people and talked with them. Often able to get them out of their slump but seems to always be a reach away for me. Nonsense I tell myself! It is like I argue with myself on a daily basis! I decided I will now study what all I have learned, not buy another book or program until I sit down with an old book or program for at least a month and really read it and absorb its message. I know all my answers are inside of myself, I just have to find them all. I usually don't carry on like this in a blog either but thought maybe some of you might be feeling like this too.

Much love and happiness to you!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 39 needing a miracle?

What happens when you really need a miracle and it is just not showing up? It could be related to health, money that you need for a bill, an item that is needed or a maybe for another person you see that needs it. I have needed a miracle a time or two in my life. I can remember one time clearly, we needed money for our rent. It was winter time and my husband had been out of work for 3 months, we needed the money to pay our landlord and we needed it fast. It wasn't a huge sum of money I think we were short $500.00 on that months rent and we had never been behind before so it was nerve racking for me to say the least.

I did a garage sale that morning and we were $200.00 short, I was stressed out completely, I needed that money so badly I could taste it. I needed a miracle to say the least. Worrying up until this point had not helped me, it just cluttered my mind with bad scenarios, negative words such as how am I going to get this? I began to feel sad, and a lack mentality. So I changed it up a bit, I decided I needed to pray the right way and give confidence in knowing my need was takin care of. That I no longer needed to hold onto this thought, I needed to let go and let God/Universe take action. I couldn't predict what would go on in the next 2 hours but I felt a lot better knowing a power higher than myself would take care of it for me. Our basic need of somewhere to live would be taken care of. We had a very strict landlord at that house and being late was not an option. So within 24 hours we managed to sell our patio furniture (2 sets) for $200.00 in the dead of winter with it raining outside. :)

The moral of the story that I took away from it is when we stress we inhibit God/Universe to give us what we are asking for. The easiest thing we can do as beings is to worry and be negative. The hardest is to let go of the control (which we don't have in the first place) and find a way to be happy or relieved and find our belief it will be handled and all will end better than what we expected. :)

Much love to you all

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 37 Winter cleaning

Do you do your spring cleaning only in the spring? Or how about only when you are going to host a big tada in your home? I have done huge spring cleanings not only in the spring but in the summer, winter and fall too. Every year the day after Christmas the tree comes down and all the decorations go back into the holiday closet. Except for the outside lights (I try to keep those up as long as my husband will let me) then the dreaded words "Today is the day we are going to start cleaning everything out!) Now those words are dreaded to my kids because they know I like to everything wiped down, donated, thrown away before New Years Day arrives! I love my house feeling super clean and de-cluttered! Everything has its own place I tell the kids and the time is drawing near to begin.

I do these super cleanings because in a way it if free therapy for me. It signals change and a fresh start to the new year is showing. All the old stuff is being thrown away or given on freecycle, stuff that we no longer use, broken or just has bad memories tied to it. Each object carries with it, its own energy, and I don't know about you but I love good energy in my home. I also break out my Feng Shui books and re-read the areas I want to activate in my home and spruce those up too. :)

These cleaning can also be done on our brains and looking at ones self in the mirror. If the ends of your hair are all frayed go get a trim, if your clothes have holes in them go get a new shirt or two. If you want a new job then pace yourself and set aside a day to send out resumes, job search on the web and market yourself.  Make a calender of days you will set aside for yourself. Pick an activity you haven't done yet and get started on it! I have a list of things I want to do in each room of the house.  Like paint walls, clean carpets, furniture, backyard landscaping plans and so on. It's fun to get creative and go towards reaching a goal for that particular room. Remember you don't have to have it done in a day. It usually takes me about a week to tackle my whole house. I even do the yards!! But in the end it feels great. You can celebrate your new year with cleanliness inside and outside your home and it burns tons of calories!!

Much love to you guys

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 36 changing vibes in the house

Last night I picked up my book The Power again to remind myself what it is that I wanted in my life. Happiness and that feeling of love that has been in the wings waiting for me to feel again. Sure I love my family, love my mocha's, love little surprises everyday but to really feel the love is what I have been missing. In it one of the quotes said Love is like air and water. We do need it to survive. Babies that are never held or kissed or told I love you often get very sick or can die. Our bodies need this feeling and I am going to concentrate on giving myself this gift. So this morning I woke up at 3am to meditate a little while snuggling with my 2 year old. While I meditated a great image came to me.

I have been wanting to plant a garden in our backyard for sometime now. Filling it with vegetables and fruits so we can do some canning during the summer and give our family and friends some wonderful food over the gardening season. :) In my mind I thought about a garden of feelings. I started to pull the weeds that were anger, sadness, resentment and guilt.  I had a section in my mind for each person of my life and started to weed out the unwanted weeds and plants that were growing. I even had a section for myself. I felt rejuvenated when I opened my eyes. A lot better than how I have been waking up lately. So if you have some unwanted emotions in your life that you feel you can't shake try the weeding of emotions in your own minds. To get rid of the handfuls of weeds I then imagined a ball of golden light right  in front of my face. I looked at it through my 3rd eye on my forehead and when I breathed in I imagined the golden light entering my body. When I breathed out I tossed all of my negative emotions into the ball of golden light. After about 10 breaths in and out I began to feel a lot better. I began to notice I didn't have as much anger and worry inside of myself.

Much love to you all

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 35 out of 365 changes are in store. :)

I have been playing with the notion of changing things up a bit. I got a dose of inspiration from a good friend that said "I need a dose of happiness to fill my void up inside of me" It got me thinking what if daily I could provide this service? How would I go about doing it? Blogging about Miracles in one thing but to incorporate the two would be awesome! Kind of like going hand in hand. :)
I think right now she is absolutely correct on needing a daily dose of happiness in our lives. Something that may make you smile or make you think in a different way.

I awaken to my golden opportunities ~Louise Hay

I have been reminded gently by the Universe/God this past week about faith, hope and love and staying in happiness. I see the effects of writing the chapters about my past, re-living my past and letting it affect me. As a mom and wife I see now that maybe I am just not allowed to have those processing days because it affects my family so much. When I snapped out of it and reminded myself to stay in the present and live for today not for yesterday. That yesterday is essentially a story, nothing more and nothing less then I can begin to see today for what it is. Also, start to create the future I want. I changed the intent on my book also. I want a great golden light at the end of the tunnel for my readers. I do not want them to stay stuck as I did for so long. I want to teach the lessons of moving on and making your past just what it is, the past. It should have no marker on what  your future can and will be. :)

I love you guys and have a wonderful day!!